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1.2. Requirements

The message container is JSON.

Encoding - utf-8.

The json String is Base64 encoded.

The signature is generated as base64encode as sha1 (in hex, lowercase) from data + merchantID parameters.

Before being sent, "equal" signs in request parameters are escaped with urlencode.

The merchantID parameter is generated during the checkout registration process.

When connected via LAN or Serial device port, API implements interoperability.

When connecting via LAN, the HTTP protocol is used as a transport; the default port is 8008, and requests are sent using the POST method.

When communicating via Serial port, the transport packet has the following format: (STX)data(CRC 32)(ETX), where STX-0x02, ETX – 0x03, CRC32 - is calculated from the packet data (data), and characters with the code 0x03 are replaced by 0x20.

The request has two parameters: data - which is the message, and sign - which is the signature. When interacting through the Serial port, the command parameter is added, which contains the request endpoint.